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Visions Textiles
A Handcrafted Range of Clergy Stoles and Preaching Scarves
I am committed to creating high quality hand crafted embroidery and textile arts.
I feel very fortunate that I have been blessed with the talent to create beautiful images and turn them into individually crafted embroidered works of art. I have a loving family around me and they know I am at my happiest with needle and thread in hand.
I started on my creative journey as a Graphic Designer. For a short while I was able to earn a living applying Graphic Design. Unfortunately recession hit and I lost my job. That disappointment was soon forgotten as I became mother to two lovely children. I had the great fortune of dedicating my time to their formative years.
As the children became more self-sufficient I reflected on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. As a member of the congregation at St Hilda’s Church in Ashford, Surrey, I was inspired by the embroidered creations I saw within churches and cathedrals. As I started to apply my talent to embroidery it was clear that this was something that I was destined to do.
I’ve been creating embroidered art for nearly 20 years. I have had the great privilege of going to Hampton Court to study at the Royal School of Needlework. I achieved the RSN Certificate for Technical Hand Embroidery with a Merit. I am now studying for a Diploma in Hand Embroidery.
I acquired Visions Textiles in 2008 from the founder of the business Joanne Taylor. I saw an advert for the business in Embroidery magazine. One of those things in life that jumped out of the page as the right opportunity at the right time. I’m proud of the range of preaching scarves and stoles I’m able to offer. Since I’ve had the business I’ve hand crafted over 200 stoles or scarves. It is always pleasing to create stoles for returning customers after making their Ordination stole. The designs are still mainly those created by Joanne, but look out for the introduction of more of my own designs in 2021.
I am Visions Textiles. Everything is made by my hand. When you contact Visions Textiles you will be corresponding or speaking with me directly.
As for the future I am committed to the creation of high quality hand crafted embroidery and textile arts. I want to expand my offer through Visions Textiles to other products. I’ve already started creating and repairing church banners. If you would like me to create a unique piece of embroidered art, ecclesiastical or otherwise, please contact me.
26 Townsend Road,
Ashford, Middlesex,
TW15 3PS